Christianity Today Feature

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By withholding our identities as Christians, we tacitly participate in the cultural narrative that we can manage how we message ourselves. We can’t control the factions of the church, we can’t control the harm people have perpetuated in the name of Jesus. But we feel like we can direct some kind of imaginary brand identity. I know, because I’ve tried.

I wrote about public witness for Christianity Today. This post looked like a mound of dough plopped on the counter without any shape for a long time, but slowly it found a form and rose.

Since it was published, I've received a wide range of comments and emails, but the most encouraging was from an acquaintance here I haven't seen for years. He wrote: "I grew up in the church but left it in order to leave the cycles of abuse it perpetuated. I know the core of the faith is strong and so I'd love it if folx like you reclaimed what "christian" stood for to the general public. Thank you for encouraging people to walk that path." 

A little hope for all of us to keep showing up, be honest, and listen well.